OSQ preparing

OSQ festival

Every year since 2022 we arrange a small festival in Majorstuen church in the heart of Oslo. Our festival is our playground, a place to test ideas and repertoire. This can go very well or not so well. We allow ourselves nevertheless to experiment and taking musical risks. We believe the upside of trying is far greater than the fear of failing. This is also an evolving process on how to create an environment where we take artistic freedom fully into our own hands and we invite you all into our world. 

Save the date for our next festival: March 15th 2025


OSQ Festival

Oslo Strykekvartetts årlige minifestival er vår årlige musikalske lekegrind der vi kan teste ut våre ideer og visjoner. Den første anledningen var LIGETIFEST i mars 2023, hvor vi feiret Ligetis 100 års-jubileum og i 2024 var det Maurice Ravels musikk som stod i fokus. Programmet og fokus for neste års festival vil bli annonsert her snart.

Men i mellomtiden:

Festivalen i 2025 finner sted den 15. mars i majorstuen kirke. Velkommen!